Thursday, March 4, 2010

good to know information on how to find information.

Here are a list of sites we received in class which should help us locate information.

K-State open records info

The Student Press Law Center and their FOIA letter generator. (Pretty freakin' awesome, IMHO.)

FCC's FOIA page

Kansas Sunshine Coalition for Open Government

Library of Congress

The Gutenberg Project, where you can get over 30,000 free books as their copyright has expired.

American Library Association

Encyclopedia Britanica

Infomine: Scholarly Research


Academic Info, lots of scholarly stuff here, including video lectures on myriad subjects.

And, personally, I like to study/research/write with music. Some of the best music for me is R.E.M., so here's R.E.M.'s YouTube page for your academic pleasure.

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