Thursday, April 1, 2010

Flip, Flip, hooray!

In Computer Assisted Reporting today we learned about using Flip cameras.

These are small, relatively easy to use digital camcorders, ostensibly on which we'll be recording our interviews for the semester-ending project in our class.

I'll probably be using the camcorders that we use for my Digital News class, however, as they are easier to stabilize (they come with tripods, you see) and probably provide better video quality and the settings are more customizable.

We'll be uploading the videos to YouTube and inserting the videos into our final project website.

**Fechas Importantes**
-Our final draft of the sidebar story is due Tuesday, April 13.
-Our final draft of the main story is due Thursday, April 22.
-Our interview transcripts are due Tuesday, April 27.
-Our final story, sidebar and media must be posted to our site by Friday, May 7.

The end of the semester is approaching and I'm starting to feel the pressure. I have a feeling I'll be spending a great deal of time in the video editing bays soon...for both this class and Digital News.

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