Thursday, April 15, 2010

Looming Deadlines for Journalistic Slackers vs Movie Quotes

I'm pretty well-suited to be a journalist, I think, because I'm a huge slacker and I procrastinate like nobody's business. Only when I have a looming deadline do I really kick into gear.

"This is not a hand-holding sort of exercise," Dr. Baltrip said of the semester-ending project that will be the culmination of all that we've learned in Computer-Assisted Reporting class.

She gave us a sheet about "birthing" a project and it says "write with authority." I would like to think that every time I write, I write with authority...just like I speak with conviction.

We're coming down to the wire now, as the draft of the draft of my main story is due next Thursday, April 22nd. Like O-Ren Ishi in Kill Bill, "Now's the F#*&ing time!" Or, to quote a slightly different film, "Get busy livin, or get busy dyin."

By the end of this weekend I hope to have all e-mail interviews submitted and a schedule of times for the audio interviews I have with local musicians on the subject of sexism in the music industry.

I'll be editing those bad boys in either Audacity or Adobe Audition, which is something I quite enjoy.

Let's do this.

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